Privacy policy

1. Scope

This privacy policy (the "Privacy Policy") applies to all personal data processed by LGOG, headquartered at UZ Leuven, with enterprise number 0419052173 ("we" or "LGOG"). To provide effective services, LGOG utilizes personal data among other resources. This Privacy Policy aims to clarify how we handle the personal data we possess.

By using our website (the "Website") and/or services, you acknowledge that you have carefully read this Privacy Policy and unreservedly agree to its terms.

2. Definitions

Personal data includes all information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, such as name, first name, address, phone number, IP address, etc., as well as any data that can lead directly or indirectly to the identification of a person.

Processing practically encompasses any use of personal data, including its collection, storage, modification, consultation, dissemination, or deletion.

The data controller determines which personal data is processed, the means used for such processing, and the purposes thereof.

Processors are parties authorized by the data controller to process personal data on their behalf. We enter into a data processing agreement with each processor as a framework for these arrangements.

3. Protection of Personal Data: General Provisions

We attach great importance to the careful handling of your personal data, which we do in compliance with European legislation on personal data protection (the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) and relevant local legislation implementing the GDPR.

We only process the personal data necessary for the purposes pursued. We ensure the completeness and accuracy of your personal data.

In principle, we do not retain your personal data longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected (see detail in point 9).

In addition, we take necessary security measures to protect the personal data we process appropriately. Specifically, we implement the following measures:

  • Your personal data is accessible only to those who need it for the performance of their duties.
  • Everyone involved in processing your personal data, whether our own employees or external parties, is legally or contractually bound to handle it confidentially through a confidentiality commitment in their contract.
  • Anonymization and encryption of personal data.
  • Use of firewalls, antivirus software, etc.
  • ...

Under no circumstances can we be held liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from incorrect or unlawful use of personal data by a third party.

You are always responsible for adhering to security regulations. You are solely responsible for the use made from the Website of your computer, IP address, and your identification data, as well as for their confidentiality.

When we engage processors, we establish the framework for such processing in a data processing agreement. When we exchange personal data (electronically) with other public authorities, we establish the framework for such processing in a protocol. This framework includes, among other things, the purposes and lawfulness of the processing and the security of the personal data.

4. Which Personal Data Do We Process?

We process the following personal data:

  • During a visit to the Website: including your IP address and your language preference ("technical information").
  • When registering for the newsletter: your email address and name.
  • When filling out a contact form: all data you provide, including name, first name, email address, address, phone number, etc.
  • When ordering an online service: name, first name, billing details, email address, etc.

5. How Do We Process Your Personal Data

Your personal data may reach us through various means:

  • Via cookies (see Cookie Policy).
  • By filling out an (online) contact or submission form or documents attached to your form.
  • Another possibility is that we request your personal data from government services that have it. For this, we have obtained authorizations. An overview of these authorizations can be found on our website.

6. Why Do We Process Your Personal Data (Purposes)?

We collect and use your personal data only when we have a clear and legitimate purpose for doing so.

We collect technical information to maintain and improve the Website and to compile anonymous visitor statistics.

We also collect personal data (e.g., identity data, financial data, etc.) for purposes such as (i) sending newsletters and/or (personalized) marketing, (ii) delivering the online service, (iii) fulfilling a legal obligation, or (iv) performing a task of public interest or official authority.

7. May We Process Your Personal Data (Legal Basis)?

The personal data you provide via the Website or email is processed based on the following legal grounds:

  • To comply with a legal obligation (specify the legislation on which the processing is based; describe which personal data you process for what purpose and the legislation allowing this processing).
  • For the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority (clearly describe the public interest and how it arises from one of our legal duties and which personal data you process for this purpose).
  • When you have given consent (e.g., sending newsletters, publishing targeted visuals, processing your request for ... via our online submission form, or placing non-essential cookies).
  • For the performance of a contract with you (e.g., when you register for an activity organized by the company, when you rent something, ...).

8. Do We Share Your Personal Data with Others (Within or Outside the EU)?

We do not share your data with third parties unless:

  • It is necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes (see "why we process your personal data").
  • You give us your consent.
  • We are legally obliged to do so.
  • They are requested in the context of a (judicial) investigation.

When we engage an external company (e.g., a software firm or specialized consultancy), they may only process your personal data within the agreed framework and in compliance with GDPR provisions. We have concluded the necessary data processing agreements with these external companies.

We will not sell, rent, or commercially make your personal data available to third parties without your prior consent.

Your personal data may also be shared outside Europe. We undertake to appoint data controllers and/or processors outside the European Economic Area who comply with applicable privacy laws and provide sufficient guarantees regarding the security and protection of personal data. The complete and updated list of decisions on the appropriate nature of data protection in third countries approved by the EU Commission can be consulted at A copy of the personal data can always be requested via

9. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data?

We process your personal data only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes. They will therefore be kept for the period necessary to achieve the objectives or comply with legal requirements (including accounting or specific legislation).

10. What Are Your Rights?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • Right of access.
  • Right to rectification.
  • Right to erasure.
  • Right to restriction.
  • Right to object.
  • Right to data portability.

If the processing is based on your prior consent, you always have the right to withdraw that consent.

You can exercise the above rights:

  • By email to
  • By registered mail to LGOG, Gynaecological Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven.

We strive to respond to you as quickly as possible, and no later than 30 days after receiving the request. We reserve the right to request additional identification for verification.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data with the Belgian Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, email:

11. Changes

LGOG reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time. By using the Website, you accept all terms of the Privacy Policy as determined at the time of use. With each access to the Website after the Privacy Policy has been modified, you are deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the changes.

12. Special Processing

Below, we provide more detailed information on some specific processing activities. Of course, you can exercise your rights as described above regarding these processes.

Visual Material

During activities we organize, we often take photos and videos. We use this visual material to promote our company and activities, including in our newsletter, on our website, and on our social media channels. We respect your right to image and commit to informing you clearly about the visual material created on-site during each activity.

Our photographer limits themselves as much as possible to overview photos and atmospheric images. Such visual material is not considered personal data, and we therefore assume your implicit consent, both for its creation and publication.

Sometimes our photographer will also take photos or videos where individuals are identifiable. For the creation and publication of this type of photo or video, we will always ask for your explicit consent. This applies also to children under the age of 16. Where possible, we do this in advance and in writing. In other cases, our photographer will approach you. You can withdraw separate consents at any time.

Cookies and Tracking

We use cookies and related techniques on our website, in our online services, and for our newsletter. You can find all information about this in our cookie policy. In the Cookie Settings, you can give or refuse consent for each type of cookie.